What is Alexa Rank?

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 Alexa Rank:-

The Alexa rank is a ranking system calculated using the Alexa toolbar. Alexa takes the browsing data from the millions of people using this toolbar and calculates the traffic ranking of each site based on reach and page views. Low traffic sites are harder to gauge accurately, but once a site reaches a 100,000 or less ranking the accuracy of the measure increases. Hence the lower your Alexa rank, the credibility of that ranking is increased. Whether you value your Alexa traffic ranking or not, there are definite advantages to having a high Alexa rank. The Alexa ranking is viewed as a reasonable representation of a site’s traffic and authority.

What is social bookmarking?

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 Social Bookmark:-
A social bookmark is a link that people post to social websites for others to see because they find it interesting, valuable or cool. Social Bookmarking is very important part of Digital Marketing Services. Social Bookmarking is very helpful for Search Engine Optimization. People also share and like the popular article, contents etc.
Social bookmarks are saved to the web where they can be easily shared. Social bookmarks can be passed on indefinitely, they have the potential to reach a much wider audience and generate significantly more traffic than other online marketing methods.

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Anil Kumar Maurya: How we find difference between two dates

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Anil Kumar Maurya: How we find difference between two dates: Try this cod $date1='2010/01/01'; $date2='2011/01/02'; $s1=strtotime($date1); $s2=strtotime($date2); $difference = abs($...


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